What Are the Diseases Acquired Caused by Drug Addiction?

Question by genie m: what are the diseases acquired caused by drug addiction?
what are the types of drug addiction?What are sapmle situaitons tht a certain person was a drug addict? What agencies who can help to a certain person who involved drug addiction?what are civil laws, statistics,therapy and rehabilation related to drug addiction.

Best answer:

Answer by sista-girl
addicts do best with 12-step programs…they are virtually free and widely available. check out the phone book. but no program or rehab can help unless the addict is willing….sometimes it take himor her to hit a serious bottom before he/she is willing to seek help.
Don’t let the 12-step porgram scare you…it’s harmless and really works. what does an addict have to lose? Is she or he willing to go to any length to get better- if so try:
Alcoholics Anonymous; Narcotics Anonymous; Cocaine Anonymous; Marijuana Anonymous…there is a 12 step program for everyone and yeah. Advice: no one recovers unless they give them ALL up…..it doesn’t work that way.

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