Marijuana Maintenance: Cannabis for Alcohol Dependence

Marijuana Maintenance: Cannabis for Alcohol Dependence — You might be saying to yourself, why do we need to use medical marijuana for alcohol dependence–can’t we just send everybody to a 12 step program and make t…

Alcohol dependency in Japan
An estimated 6.45 million people in Japan suffer from alcohol-related problems. Among them are 800,000 people who suffer from alcohol dependency severe enough to require medical treatment, yet only 40,000 of them receive such treatment each year, …
Read more on The Japan Times

Four state grants bring almost 5000 in for court programs …
Drug court grants will allow for the continuation and improvement of the court-supervised treatment program for non-violent offenders who abuse or are dependent on any controlled substance or alcohol. The veterans court grant will pay for treatment …
Read more on Sentinel-Standard

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